The Ember

Once you find it you will always have it. Once the ember within receives the kiss of wind to ignite, you will light up. Once your eyes are open to the light you can’t turn it off. You see things others miss as you observe through truly open eyes it is hell and it is bliss. You see as it truly is, and you see yourself as you truly are. Every shadow comes to light and you are gifted the opportunity of conflict within. Opportunity you say? Yes, opportunity to truly look at yourself. The conflict you have within is to believe everything you’ve ever been told, go with the societal norm or to be curious and question it. Once you choose to look at yourself truly you begin to grow and realize that life has not happened to you, but through you. You understand that old beliefs or experiences were stepping stones. To awaken this part of yourself. The part that you thought died, the flame that went out, a dark shadow of a void left from self sabotage, but little did you know you had an ember left. That ember has now been ignited into a purifying flame that can never be lost. It is purifying your soul from the inside out. As you watched your life burn up around you the impurities burned up too. God knew that you could not move on to the next chapter and take all of the impurities with you. It was your fate to crash and burn. It was your fate to rise from the ashes to help others find a way home. To show the fallen there’s a way out through faith and facing their shadow self. Now you tell me is it part of your fate to be an example worth following?

Lindsey Austin


#poetry #healing #love #myheart


Some days the truth is so clear that peace just washes over you in abundance, and you laugh thinking about how much you worried or overthought something. You are grateful for every step that brought you to this moment with the people you find surrounding you now. You are 100% present in the day, and you just know God led you this way. With each challenge you overcame you had no idea how clear it would be looking back on every divinely time moment now you can see. It was all leading up to this day with his grand plan at play. It just feels right. Today is a new day to learn, love, and laugh with childlike wonder always. Today is perfect, everything is as it should be. There is no other way.

Lindsey Austin
